Upcoming Workshops

Get In Ya’ Feelings Workshop

Do you struggle with deep emotional work? Do you feel “stuck” in your emotions or “blocked” with certain emotions? Do you want to strengthen and create deeper connections in your work? Well, this workshop is just for you!! This one-day workshop is designed to help you see where you’re blocked, tap in to remove and break down emotional barriers so you —and your characters can fully LIVE!

Questions: Email us at actHerstudios@gmail.com

This workshop will be INTENSE so come prepared to work! Those who register will get sides to work on one week before the workshop.

Please note:

  • Wear comfortable clothes you wouldn’t mind getting sweaty.


  • Come with your prep work done.

  • Bring a notebook and pen to take notes.

  • Bring a lunch or you’ll have a chance to get lunch during the 1hr lunch break.

  • Please bring your own snacks and/or lunch. Some beverages and snacks will be provided but you must bring a SPILL-PROOF CONTAINER.

  • Come with an open mind, an open heart and a willingness to learn!